Thursday, September 3, 2009

jULy bIRthDaYs!!

Sydney is the first birthday in July. Sydney turned 14 on July 3rd and could probably pass for 16. She is such a cutie and everyone loves her. Syd loves to cook and she's really good too. She is also really good aat fixing hair and her's always looks so cute. Her dream is to be a pastry chef, own a restaurant and also do hair. She could cut customers hair while they eat at her restaurant...NOT (hee, hee)! Sydney cracks me up all the time and I have so much fun with her. Watch out boys when she turns 16 'cuz she's already a teeny tiny bit boy crazy. I'm sure there's tons of boys who have crushes on her too. Sydney is one of only two people I know who wanted Bella to end up with Jacob in the Twilight series, but I still love you Syderella!! Syd always dresses cute and loves sour, sweet, chewey, gooey candy just like her favorite aunt...ME!!!

1 comment:

Sydney Berry said...

aww that's freakin awesome.. thankyou!